Ali Nejati, das Vorstandmitglied der Haft-Tapeh Zuckerfabrik Gewerkschaft ist trotz Genehmigung seiner Beurlaubung durch den Gefängnisarzt, der Gefängnisverwaltung und der Staatanwaltschaft immer noch in der Stadt Schuch in Haft. Er leidet unter einer akuten Herzerkrankung und unter den Folgen der fehlenden nötigen Behandlungen.
28 Februar 2012
Arbeiteraktivisten in Lebensgefahr
Arbeiteraktivisten in Lebensgefahr
Arbeiter- und Kinderrechtsaktivist Behnam Ebrahim Zadeh leidet neben starken Ohr- und Kopfschmerzen unter schwerwiegenden Nierenproblemen, aber ihm wird eine Untersuchung und Behandlung im Krankenhaus verweigert.
Ebenso ist die Situation von Sheth Amani, einem Vorstandsmitglied der freien Arbeitergewerkschaft Iran. Er leidet unter Wirbelsäulenproblemen und eine Infektion breitet sich in seinen ganzen Körper aus.
Die Ärzte warnen über den Zustand von Reza Shahabi
Die Ärzte warnen über den Zustand von Reza Shahabi
19.02. Die Ärzte und Verantwortlichen des Evin-Gefängnisses haben angekündigt, dass der Gesundheitszustand von Shahabi kritisch ist und sie keine Verantwortung dafür übernehmen werden.
Shahabi, das Vorstandsmitglied und Schatzmeister der Busfahrergewerkschaft Vahed, sollte im Januar an der Wirbelsäule operiert werden, dies wurde aber wegen seiner körperlich schwachen Verfassung verschoben. Die Ärzte ordneten ihm eine drei monatige absolute Bettruhe unter Beobachtung des Neurochirurgen an. Trotzdem ist er nun wieder ins Gefängnis zurückgeschickt worden. Jetzt wird Reza Shahabi irgendwie von seinen Mitgefangenen gepflegt. Er leidet unter starken Schmerzen. Die nötigen Medikamente, andere Therapiemöglichkeiten und die nötige Ruhe sind im Gefängnis nicht vorhanden, außerdem muss er für jeden Arztbesuch im Gefängnis zu Fuß dorthin bewegen.
Das "Komitee für die Verteidigung von Reza Shahabi" fordert die sofortige Entlassung von Shahabi und die Schließung seiner Akte.
03 Februar 2012
Reza Shahabi’s denial letter regarding the statement published in Vahed syndicate’s website and reconfirmation of his previous statement
Reza Shahabi’s denial letter regarding the statement published in
Vahed syndicate’s website and reconfirmation of his previous statement
Communiqué number 17 from the Reza Shahabi Defence Committee
After the publication of Reza Shahabi’s statement on 19/01/2012, an
article was published in Vahed syndicate’s website in which the
content was false; it was aimed to sabotage the credibility of Reza
Shahabi’s message and to misrepresent its content, which needs to be
addressed. The article that was published in the Syndicate’s website
contained a lie in the name of Reza Shahabi. After Reza Shahabi was
informed of the statement in Vahed syndicate’s website, he wrote a
letter and stated that the statement, which may have been prepared by
only one person with specific aims and motives, was untrue, and hence
he expressed his displeasure of the Syndicate’s website.
It seems that the statement published in the Syndicate’s website is a
combination of imagination, lies and destruction of personal
characteristics and orchestrated by a “writer” with a special interest
against the interest of the labour movement and also contrary to the
beliefs of Reza Shahabi and possibly in order to create problems for
him. The letter which seems to have been written by one “writer” is
reminiscent of the fact that the writer may imagine that the bigger
the lie the more believable it becomes!
However, Reza Shahabi, in his second letter in connection with the
‘Human Rights Award”, again stated that Mehdi Kouhestani is neither
his representative nor a like-minded person and he is not representing
any workers’ organisations in Iran.
Reza Shahabi’s letter is as follows. Here we attached, as an evidence,
a scanned copy of the Reza Shahabi’s first handwritten letter
(statement 19/01/2012) with his signature and his second letter in
which he denied the statement in syndicate’s website.
Reza Shahabi Defence Committee
With greetings and respect to the board members and activists of Vahed
workers’ Syndicate and to the esteemed members of my defence committee
and all labour activists and organizations;
May I respectfully present, Monday night I was informed of the content
of a statement published in the syndicate’s website, in which it
alleged that Reza Shahabi, has denied his statement published on
19/01/2012 by his defence committee. A statement concerning a human
rights prize that has been given to a person named Mehdi Kouhestani
while neither both my family and I nor my defence committee were aware
of. In fact the reality is that i approve my first letter.
The reality is that Mehdi Kouhestani is neither my representative nor
a like-minded person; he has never had any authority to represent the
Vahed Workers’ Syndicate or any other workers’ organisations in Iran.
After publishing my statement on 19/01/2012 (first letter) by my
defence committee, one of the members of the Vahed syndicate who was
not happy with my statement, on Saturday 21/01.2012 announced that
this statement will raise questions about Mehdi Kouhestani and the
Vahed Syndicate. On the contrary, I believe that my statement, apart
from showing my position, proclaims Vahed syndicate’s independence
from the individuals who pursue anti-worker agenda.
This member of the Syndicate repeatedly asked me to deny my statement.
I declared that; what I have written is nothing but the truth. To
ensure that there are no discrepancies between my original statement,
even unintentionally, and the one that got published, I told him that
I would compare differences in my written text with the one released
by the defence Committee. When I compared them, I realised that there
is no changes in the statement, therefore the Defence Committee had
done their responsibility flawlessly. I hereby declare once more that
the released statement by Reza Shahabi defence committee on 19/01/2012
is fully approved by me.
I am very sorry to see that the statement published in the Syndicate’s
website has absolutely misused my declaration that ” I will compare
the statement with my written text” and hence unfortunately, the whole
statement published in the Syndicate website, with has particular
motives and reasons, is false and fictional.
Dear friends
I announce my objection to the Vahed Syndicate’s website and then to
the organisation that dedicated the prize. I, due to the lack of
access to sufficient information, do not know the funding sources of
this specific organisation and who its members are. It is praiseworthy
if other friends could investigate these cases. I only believe in
contacting with organisations that are striving for the interests of
the labour movement. Nevertheless, my conclusive objection at least is
that why and for what reason and with whose recommendation Mehdi
Kouhestani was selected to receive something on my behalf.
Mehdi Kouhestani is neither my representative and nor a like-minded
person and he is not representing any workers’ organisations in Iran.
In the end, and once again, my request from all is that to consider
all materials published by the Defence Committee of my opinions, and
please contact this committee for all reasons.
Reza Shahabi,
Worker in jail- The Treasurer and a member of the Board of Directors
of the Syndicate of Workers of Tehran and Suburbs Bus company
23 January 2012; 23 Hour
Distributed by Reza Shahabi Defence Committee
Contact information:
Mahmoud Salehi; Phone: 09188747104
Vahed syndicate’s website and reconfirmation of his previous statement
Communiqué number 17 from the Reza Shahabi Defence Committee
After the publication of Reza Shahabi’s statement on 19/01/2012, an
article was published in Vahed syndicate’s website in which the
content was false; it was aimed to sabotage the credibility of Reza
Shahabi’s message and to misrepresent its content, which needs to be
addressed. The article that was published in the Syndicate’s website
contained a lie in the name of Reza Shahabi. After Reza Shahabi was
informed of the statement in Vahed syndicate’s website, he wrote a
letter and stated that the statement, which may have been prepared by
only one person with specific aims and motives, was untrue, and hence
he expressed his displeasure of the Syndicate’s website.
It seems that the statement published in the Syndicate’s website is a
combination of imagination, lies and destruction of personal
characteristics and orchestrated by a “writer” with a special interest
against the interest of the labour movement and also contrary to the
beliefs of Reza Shahabi and possibly in order to create problems for
him. The letter which seems to have been written by one “writer” is
reminiscent of the fact that the writer may imagine that the bigger
the lie the more believable it becomes!
However, Reza Shahabi, in his second letter in connection with the
‘Human Rights Award”, again stated that Mehdi Kouhestani is neither
his representative nor a like-minded person and he is not representing
any workers’ organisations in Iran.
Reza Shahabi’s letter is as follows. Here we attached, as an evidence,
a scanned copy of the Reza Shahabi’s first handwritten letter
(statement 19/01/2012) with his signature and his second letter in
which he denied the statement in syndicate’s website.
Reza Shahabi Defence Committee
With greetings and respect to the board members and activists of Vahed
workers’ Syndicate and to the esteemed members of my defence committee
and all labour activists and organizations;
May I respectfully present, Monday night I was informed of the content
of a statement published in the syndicate’s website, in which it
alleged that Reza Shahabi, has denied his statement published on
19/01/2012 by his defence committee. A statement concerning a human
rights prize that has been given to a person named Mehdi Kouhestani
while neither both my family and I nor my defence committee were aware
of. In fact the reality is that i approve my first letter.
The reality is that Mehdi Kouhestani is neither my representative nor
a like-minded person; he has never had any authority to represent the
Vahed Workers’ Syndicate or any other workers’ organisations in Iran.
After publishing my statement on 19/01/2012 (first letter) by my
defence committee, one of the members of the Vahed syndicate who was
not happy with my statement, on Saturday 21/01.2012 announced that
this statement will raise questions about Mehdi Kouhestani and the
Vahed Syndicate. On the contrary, I believe that my statement, apart
from showing my position, proclaims Vahed syndicate’s independence
from the individuals who pursue anti-worker agenda.
This member of the Syndicate repeatedly asked me to deny my statement.
I declared that; what I have written is nothing but the truth. To
ensure that there are no discrepancies between my original statement,
even unintentionally, and the one that got published, I told him that
I would compare differences in my written text with the one released
by the defence Committee. When I compared them, I realised that there
is no changes in the statement, therefore the Defence Committee had
done their responsibility flawlessly. I hereby declare once more that
the released statement by Reza Shahabi defence committee on 19/01/2012
is fully approved by me.
I am very sorry to see that the statement published in the Syndicate’s
website has absolutely misused my declaration that ” I will compare
the statement with my written text” and hence unfortunately, the whole
statement published in the Syndicate website, with has particular
motives and reasons, is false and fictional.
Dear friends
I announce my objection to the Vahed Syndicate’s website and then to
the organisation that dedicated the prize. I, due to the lack of
access to sufficient information, do not know the funding sources of
this specific organisation and who its members are. It is praiseworthy
if other friends could investigate these cases. I only believe in
contacting with organisations that are striving for the interests of
the labour movement. Nevertheless, my conclusive objection at least is
that why and for what reason and with whose recommendation Mehdi
Kouhestani was selected to receive something on my behalf.
Mehdi Kouhestani is neither my representative and nor a like-minded
person and he is not representing any workers’ organisations in Iran.
In the end, and once again, my request from all is that to consider
all materials published by the Defence Committee of my opinions, and
please contact this committee for all reasons.
Reza Shahabi,
Worker in jail- The Treasurer and a member of the Board of Directors
of the Syndicate of Workers of Tehran and Suburbs Bus company
23 January 2012; 23 Hour
Distributed by Reza Shahabi Defence Committee
Contact information:
Mahmoud Salehi; Phone: 09188747104
24 Januar 2012
Reza Shahabi’s communiqué about a human rights award
Reza Shahabi’s communiqué about a human rights award
Communiqué number16 from the Reza Shahabi Defence Committee
I have heard that an award for human rights in the field of labour has been dedicated to me and delivered to a person named “ Mehdi Kouhestani”. I would like to announce publicly that neither me nor my family and friends, who believe in workers' independence, were aware of this event.
It is also necessary to explain that “Mehdi Kouhestani” is neither my representative nor a like-minded person.
Lastly, I would like to ask my friends and all workers and workers' organizations to discuss all cases only with my defense committee.
Reza Shahabi – An imprisoned worker
January 19, 2012
Phone number for Reza Shahabi Defense Committee' Spokesperson:
Mahmoud Salehi: 09188747104
31 Dezember 2011
Ebrahim Madadi wieder verhaftet
Ebrahim Madadi wieder verhaftet
Ebrahim Madadi, der Vizepräsident der Teheraner Busfahrergewerkschaft Vahed, der am 29.11. nach dreieinhalb Jahren Haft auf Kaution zeitweilig aus der Haft freigelassen worden war, wurde am 9.12 erneut inhaftiert.
ITUC und ITF kritisierten die erneute Festnahme von Madadi.
Ebrahim Madadi, der Vizepräsident der Teheraner Busfahrergewerkschaft Vahed, der am 29.11. nach dreieinhalb Jahren Haft auf Kaution zeitweilig aus der Haft freigelassen worden war, wurde am 9.12 erneut inhaftiert.
ITUC und ITF kritisierten die erneute Festnahme von Madadi.
Behnam Ebrahim Zadeh in Hungerstreik
Behnam Ebrahim Zadeh in Hungerstreik
Behnam beginnt einen Hungerstreik in Solidarität mit Reza Shahabi. In einem Brief an Reza schreibt er: „ Hochachtung vor Deiner Standhaftigkeit. Als ein Arbeiter, der das Leid und die Ungerechtigkeit mit Leib und Seele erfahren hat, solidarisiere ich mich mit Dir und bitte dich, den Hungerstreik zu beenden. Ich verurteile den menschenunwürdigen, illegalen Umgang der Verantwortlichen mit Dir und fordere sie auf, sich umgehend mit Deiner kritischen Situation zu befassen. Sonst werde ich den Hungerstreik, den ich seit heute angefangen habe, weiterführen, weil ich die Bedrohung für das Leben eines Gewerkschafters nicht gleichgültig hinnehmen kann.
Behnam Ebrahim Zadeh Sektion 350 des Evin-Gefängnisses
Am 30.12. Behnam beendete seinen Hungerstreik nach 18 Tagen als er von der Beendigung Rezas´ Hungerstreiks hörte.
Behnam beginnt einen Hungerstreik in Solidarität mit Reza Shahabi. In einem Brief an Reza schreibt er: „ Hochachtung vor Deiner Standhaftigkeit. Als ein Arbeiter, der das Leid und die Ungerechtigkeit mit Leib und Seele erfahren hat, solidarisiere ich mich mit Dir und bitte dich, den Hungerstreik zu beenden. Ich verurteile den menschenunwürdigen, illegalen Umgang der Verantwortlichen mit Dir und fordere sie auf, sich umgehend mit Deiner kritischen Situation zu befassen. Sonst werde ich den Hungerstreik, den ich seit heute angefangen habe, weiterführen, weil ich die Bedrohung für das Leben eines Gewerkschafters nicht gleichgültig hinnehmen kann.
Behnam Ebrahim Zadeh Sektion 350 des Evin-Gefängnisses
Am 30.12. Behnam beendete seinen Hungerstreik nach 18 Tagen als er von der Beendigung Rezas´ Hungerstreiks hörte.
Symbolischer Hungerstreik in Bonn
Symbolischer Hungerstreik in Bonn
27.12. Wie angekündigt, haben einige Mitglieder der Solidaritätsvereine mit der Arbeiterbewegung im Iran in einem mehrstündigen symbolischen Hungerstreik am 27.12.2011 in der Nähe des Deutsche Welle Hauptgebäudes in der Stadt Bonn versucht, auf das große Unrecht im Iran, wie das Schicksal der inhaftierten Arbeiteraktivisten und Gewerkschafter im Iran wie Reza Shahabi, Ali Nejati, Behnam Ebrahim Zadeh und Ebrahim Madadi etc. aufmerksam zu machen und ein Zeichen für die Solidarität mit ihnen zu setzen. Dieser Ort wurde in der Hoffnung ausgewählt, die Aufmerksamkeit der Medien gegenüber der Unterdrückung von Gewerkschaftern, Arbeiteraktivisten und Iranischen Arbeitern im Allgemeinen zu wecken und die Berichterstattung dieses Themas zu forcieren.
An dieser Aktion nahmen einige Mitglieder der Solidaritätsvereine aus Deutschland teil. Die Flyer über diese Aktion und das Nachrichtenblatt wurden verteilt und die Interessenten über die Aktion informiert. Im Laufe des Tages besuchten zwei Gewerkschaftsmitglieder der DW die Streikenden und informierten sich über die Beweggründe der Aktion und haben ihre Solidarität und Sympathie zum Ausdruck gebracht.
27.12. Wie angekündigt, haben einige Mitglieder der Solidaritätsvereine mit der Arbeiterbewegung im Iran in einem mehrstündigen symbolischen Hungerstreik am 27.12.2011 in der Nähe des Deutsche Welle Hauptgebäudes in der Stadt Bonn versucht, auf das große Unrecht im Iran, wie das Schicksal der inhaftierten Arbeiteraktivisten und Gewerkschafter im Iran wie Reza Shahabi, Ali Nejati, Behnam Ebrahim Zadeh und Ebrahim Madadi etc. aufmerksam zu machen und ein Zeichen für die Solidarität mit ihnen zu setzen. Dieser Ort wurde in der Hoffnung ausgewählt, die Aufmerksamkeit der Medien gegenüber der Unterdrückung von Gewerkschaftern, Arbeiteraktivisten und Iranischen Arbeitern im Allgemeinen zu wecken und die Berichterstattung dieses Themas zu forcieren.
An dieser Aktion nahmen einige Mitglieder der Solidaritätsvereine aus Deutschland teil. Die Flyer über diese Aktion und das Nachrichtenblatt wurden verteilt und die Interessenten über die Aktion informiert. Im Laufe des Tages besuchten zwei Gewerkschaftsmitglieder der DW die Streikenden und informierten sich über die Beweggründe der Aktion und haben ihre Solidarität und Sympathie zum Ausdruck gebracht.
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